

Checkbox anatomy


  • The checkbox label can be aligned to the right or left side of the control.
  • The control has 3 possible states: unchecked (☐), checked (✔︎), or intermediate (-︎)
  • Intermediate checkbox are often used in a hierarchy, when not all children are checked, the parent remains indeterminate.
  • Content guidelines: Keep labels short and descriptive, start each label with a capital letter, and don’t include punctuation at the end.

Do’s & Don’ts

Checkbox – Do Checkbox – Don't


Radio button anatomy


  • Only one option can be selected at a time. After choosing a new item, the previous choice is automatically deselected.
  • The radio button label can be aligned to the right or left side of the control.
  • The control has 2 possible states: unchecked (○) , checked (●).
  • Content guidelines: Keep labels short and descriptive, start each label with a capital letter, and don’t include punctuation at the end.


👍  Rule of thumb
Radio button list should include 2-6 options. If you have only one option, consider using a checkbox.

Do’s & Don’ts

Radio button – Do Radio button – Don't


Toggle switch anatomy


  • The toggle switch may contain a label, from the right or left side to the control.
  • The control has 2 possible states: On (1), Off (0).
  • Switch toggle can be stand-alone, or as a part of a group.
  • Content guidelines: The toggle labels should describe what the control will do when the switch is on; they should not be neutral or ambiguous. Keep labels short (4 words or less).

Do’s & Don’ts

Toggle switch – Do Toggle switch – Don't


Number picker anatomy


  • The user can change the value by clicking on the controls, or by typing in the input.
  • The number picker controls can be up and down chevrons (▼ ▲), or ׳+׳ and ׳-׳ buttons.
  • Text is aligned to center by default. The alignment could be changed, depending on the implementation or use case.


  • Max width: The input box should have a fixed width, determined by the maximum amount of digits allowed, so it won’t change width when used.
  • Min width: The minimum width of the input box is 32 pixels.
  • Height: The picker comes in 3 possible heights: small, regular and large
Number picker sizes


Number picker variants
Toggle buttons

Toggle buttons, also known as ‘select buttons’, are controls that allow the user to select single or multiple options.


Single select toggle anatomy


  • Actions can be presented in text or in icons.
  • It is recommended using 3-5 options. The minimum number of options allowed is 2.
  • If you have only two options, consider using a toggle switch.


Single select toggle button variants



  • Actions can be presented in text or in icons.
  • It is recommended using 3-5 options. The minimum number of options allowed is 2.


Multi select toggle button variants
🔮 Tip box
When using the icon toggle buttons, consider adding a tooltip to clarify the actions.

Do’s & Don’ts

Toggle buttons – Do Toggle buttons – Don'ts


Chips anatomy


Chips come in 2 sizes, regular and large:

Chips Sizes


Chips can also include: icon, text avatar, image avatar, or a color tag.

Chips variants
Input chips
  • Input chips are used to show a selection in input fields, forms, or as part of the multi-select component.
  • Their content can be typed in by the user, or a selection from a pre-defined list.
  • In order to remove the chip, the user has to choose the x directly or delete with backspace.
Input chips example
Filter chips
  • Filter chips are used to filter content, by turning on/off the displayed data.
  • Usually, filter chips will be predefined, or added by the user from a pre-existing list.
  • Filter chips can be removable or not, according to the situation.
Filter chips example

Do & Don’ts

Chips – Do Chips – Don't


Slider anatomy


  • Sliders are ideal for adjusting settings (i.e: volume or brightness levels).
  • When interacting with a slider, changes should be reflected immediately.
  • Slider may or may not include: Label, min/max values, steps and tick marks.
  • Slider’s label can be placed on top or on the left side of the slider.


Micro Focus has two types of sliders, single slider and range slider:

Sliders types


Showing the slider value is optional. There are 2 ways to show the value:

  1. With tooltip: the value is shown on only ‘hover’ and ‘active’ states.
  2. With input: an input field shows the value, and enables the user to type as well.
Sliders variants

Examples & use cases

Single slider with top label, on ‘hover’, with tooltip

Slider – example 1

Single slider with a side label and an input field

Slider – example 2


Date picker anatomy


  • Use a date picker when the user needs to know a date’s relationship to other days or when the date might change.
  • The user can view and pick dates from the calendar drop down or manually type in the input field.
  • The date picker minimum width is 304 pixels.


Examples & use cases

Date picker with alternate button group.
In this option, ‘OK’ close and save current selection, ‘Cancel’ closes without saving.