Tal Blizowsky

UX Lead

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A little bit about me

I’ve graduated as BSc in Computer Science, MBA and added a diploma in UI\UX design at Netcraft Academy.

I’ve started my career as a Full Stack Software Engineer and some of it as FA (Technical/Inbound Product Manager) serving many products.
In 2007 I started at Comverse and moved to HP/HPE/Micro focus where I’ve been almost 11 years now.
Today I lead the UX of Octane, an ADM product.


On the weekends

I like spending my time with my family, my husband and 2 daughters at age of 5 and 6.
Love the beach, traveling (around the world if possible.. 😊) and mostly discovering good restaurants.

On my free time I’m also a fan of doing all kinds of DIY’s.